domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2007

Thomas Ott...

nacido en Zurich en 1966, Thomas Ott es un dibujante que hemos podido disfrutar en obras como Greetings from Hellville y Dead End (ambas en la colección Brut Comix) y Cinema Panopticum, con edición doble en rústica y cartoné (limitadísima).Ott se apoya en la ausencia de diálogos y el surrealismo de sus argumentos, esto hace que sus historietas se aproximen más a la poesía que a la narrativa. Historias sórdidas que acontecen en un mundo imprevisible y oscuro, dominado por pasiones fatales, poblado por asesinos, mutantes, inadaptados, casualidades atroces, esquizofrenia,… utilizando además la visión subjetiva, implicando al lector en lo narrado, no permitiéndole permanecer ajeno a los hechos, introduciéndolo de lleno en el horror.Todo esto lo consigue con una técnica algo inusual, que consiste en dibujar con tinta blanca sobre fondo negro. Se agradece que aún queden personas que sepan hacer que nos retorzamos inquietos en el sillón y que evitemos mirar atrás… por si acaso.
MP3: The Donnas - Dancing with myself

1 comentario:

trinity dijo...

Dear Friends and Partners of Thomas Ott,

In the Name of the Author/Artist Thomas Ott in Switzerland we just created a new Website for him with as much details to his work as possible.
The Sites and were going Online today, July 9th 2009 at 7pm.

You can see takouts of his Books, Music, and Films as well as there is a Biography and Presspage with a PRmirror and Highresolution
Pictures available. We have added a Shoppinglist where, if you are a seller, are listed.
Other Friends and Partners can be Found under: LINKS.

All Booksellers we have also added in different spots. Below the books which can be bought in your country and/or in the Link list.
Could you please Link our Website to yours as well?
That would be wonderful and I am sure it will help fans to find purchase places near to there home and allow to find full information
faster and easier.

Thanks for letting me know if you can "Link us In" and if you are happy with the way we published you. Changes can be applied..

Have a great day..
Switzerland, Zürich

trinity³ production
Medea Nadja von Ah
Rotbuchstrasse 19
8006 Zürich-ch